
what to expect during a personal injury lawsuit

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what to expect during a personal injury lawsuit

If you have been injured and you feel as though someone had neglected a responsibility that could have prevented that injury, you could have good standing for an injury lawsuit. How do you know if you could sue that person? My blog will provide you with as much information about filing and surviving a personal injury lawsuit. These cases can go on for many, many years, so you will have to be patient and know what to expect going into them. Hopefully, the information provided here on this blog will be enough to help you understand what you will experience.

How To Pay For Whiplash Injuries After A Rideshare Accident

Whiplash is an injury that can occur when you experience rapid neck movement. This type of injury most often occurs when you are in a rear-end accident. If this happens while you are a passenger using a rideshare app, you must act quickly to defend the value of your legal claim. 

What to Expect from a Whiplash Accident

If you suffer from whiplash, you may experience a lot of neck pain and stiffness. When you move your neck, you will experience even worse pain. You might experience headaches and feel them primarily at the base of the skull. But you might experience pain throughout the rest of your body.

In some cases, a whiplash injury only causes temporary pain. However, in more severe cases, you might suffer from pain and muscle stiffness for months or even years after the injury. The severity of the injury depends on whether you have suffered from whiplash before, how old you are, and the accident's severity.

However, it's difficult to predict how bad the whiplash is until you have seen a doctor. Then, you will be able to receive treatment for your whiplash injuries and will have the best possible outcome.

How to Pay for a Whiplash Accident as a Rideshare Passenger

You might wonder how you will pay your medical bills after the whiplash accident. A rideshare accident can be more complex than a conventional accident. You must determine whether the rideshare driver and the other motorist who rear-ended you are at fault.

When the Rideshare Driver is at Fault

Most often, the driver who caused the rear-end accident is at fault. But this is only sometimes the case. For example, if the rideshare driver was engaged in brake checking, they might be partially at fault. This is when a driver presses down on the brakes to deter another driver from tailgating them. If the rideshare driver operated the vehicle in reverse, it's clear that the rideshare driver should be considered at fault for the accident.

Another situation is where the vehicle is improperly maintained, making driving unsafe. For example, the driver's defective tail lights might have contributed to the accident.

If the rideshare driver is at fault, the company might have a program for compensating riders injured during a rideshare trip. Therefore, you will want to speak with a rideshare accident attorney about maximizing the compensation you receive after a whiplash accident as a rider.

Contact a law firm like Frenkel & Frenkel to learn more.